Classes from MyAncestorBox

My Ancestor Box



Level 1: MY ANCESTOR BOX, teaches you everything you need to know to confidently transform a disorganized box of paper photos from the monumental mess it is right now into a treasure future generations will value and appreciate.

My Digital Ancestor Box



Level 2: MY DIGITAL ANCESTOR BOX, finishes the job by teaching you the how-to’s and best practices for digitizing your photos, slides, and negatives AND dealing with your memorabilia , because just storing it all in boxes forever isn’t the answer!

The Savvy Scanner



Today there are so many options for scanning your photos! Phone apps, quick scanners, wand scanners, feed scanners, flatbed scanners, slide and negative "scanners," as well as outside scanning services.

The Savvy Scanner

will de-mystify the options and give you the tools to get your photos scanned fast!

The Ultimate Guide to Flatbed Scanning



This comprehensive scanning course will teach you everything you need to know to get great results as you scan your photos, slides, and negatives. Easy enough for beginners but includes advanced techniques for experienced scanners.

Adobe Bridge: The Family History Power Tool



Adobe Bridge is a FREE tool that adds keywords to your photos so they are are easily searchable. I'll also show you how to use the power of Bridge to organize your photos and batch re-name your image files.

Heritage Actions



Save hours, days, and even weeks by using actions to edit your heritage photos! These exclusive actions for Photoshop or Photoshop Elements remove pesky spots, unify the look of black and white photos, and save the look of vintage photo borders when you scan. 11 actions and video training.

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