Here’s the most important family history question you’ll ever ask yourself:

“Why am I still holding on to ALL those old boxes of photos?”

Seriously... STOP for a minute and really ask yourself that question.

If, after all these years, your boxes are still taking up space in the back bedroom, or in a closet, or under your bed... WHY?

If you’re anything like me, here’s why...

It’s because you KNOW those boxes contain valuable, irreplaceable photos and details about people you love... people who should NEVER be forgotten.

Old Family Photos

If you weren’t SURE the boxes were valuable you probably would have thrown them out a long time ago.

But here’s the problem...

Do you actually know what to do with all those boxes to save the important family history they contain before it's too late?

The clock is ticking and time is running out.

If your kids and grandkids inherit them the way they are right now, will the important family history in those boxes survive?

Or will the boxes all be thrown out someday by overwhelmed children or grandchildren who don’t know nearly as much about the photos and family stories as you do?

I’ll tell you EXACTLY what to do with your boxes in just a minute, but first...

Old Photos

I Have a confession to make

Hi, my name is Linda Sattgast.

I’m the co-founder of where I teach family historians how to turn their boxes of photos into a priceless family legacy.

But it hasn’t always been this way...

Almost a decade ago I was as flummoxed about my boxes of photos as everyone else I knew.

It didn’t matter that I taught family history courses to thousands of students on my own website.

It didn’t matter that I taught on stage for Adobe and demonstrated how to digitally preserve family stories on PBS Television.

It didn’t matter that a CD of my Photoshop Elements video lessons was featured at Costco four times.

No matter how successful you’ve been in the past...

Nothing prepares you for the moment you stand in front of a mile-high stack of boxes...

And everything you thought you knew about family history flies out the window.

So if you’re struggling with your boxes of photos...

If you feel overwhelmed...

If you’ve been putting it off...

You are not alone

and it’s not your fault.

We’re the first generation to EVER have to:

Turn an Entire CENTURY of Photos, Slides, Negatives, Video Media, Documents, Memorabilia—and more—into a Coherent Family Legacy that’s ready for the new digital era.

Does That Mean It’s Hopeless?

Heavens No!

I KNEW there had to be a way to figure it out, so here’s what I did...

I jumped in and started doing Something...

And in the process I made almost every mistake in the book including the three worst ones:

• Scanning my photos first without organizing or curating them...

(Bad decision that cost me a LOT of time later on.)

• Thinking that everything in my boxes was equally important...

(Which meant nothing was important.)

But my most devastating mistake was...

• Waiting until it was too late to get family history from parents and relatives.

But I didn't give up...

I made it my life’s work to figure this out.

It took almost a decade of trial and error to boil it down to the 7 Simple Steps I teach today...

So YOU don’t have to make the same mistakes I made.

That means you don’t have to go through the pain and frustration I did...

...because my 7 Simple Steps show you exactly how to transform your boxes of photos into a beautiful family treasure future generations will want, love, and appreciate.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the 7 Simple Steps...

  • Step 1: Choose the best kind of box to start with

  • Step 2: What to work on first and what to set aside for later

  • Step 3: Organize your photos with my simple system that works for every single photo in your boxes

  • Step 4: Make confident decisions on what to do with every photo using my exclusive photo rating chart

  • Step 5: Identify the photos that will be most valuable to your kids and grandkids and future generations

  • Step 6: Discover the best way to document what you know about the photos and the people in them so important information is passed along with the photos

  • Step 7–Optional Bonus Lesson: Create a beautiful, archival Ancestor Box that contains the best of the best photos and important documents in a way future generations will be grateful to receive

(This class doesn’t include a physical Ancestor Box. Instead, I’ll show you how to find or make one that’s perfect for your photos!)

Are you committed to saving the family history in your boxes?

If your answer is YES, then

What would you rather do?

Spend years of frustration trying to figure it out on your own?


Know exactly WHAT to do and HOW to do it right now...

PLUS: What if you could get expert help from an actual person (not a BOT) if you get stuck or have questions?

If your time is valuable and you’d rather skip common mistakes...

My Ancestor Box

I invite you to join me in my class

Unlock The Boxes®

As you follow the 7 Simple Steps in Unlock The Boxes® you won’t be confused about where to start or what to do next.

I explain and show you exactly WHAT to do and HOW to do each step in pre-recorded videos.

You can access the online classroom any time of day or night in any time zone so you can go at your own pace on your schedule.

Here’s what you’ll get in Unlock The Boxes®...

  • 7 Simple Steps with detailed instructions for every step

  • How-to videos with transcripts and closed captions

  • No tech required

  • All your questions answered by a family history expert

  • “UNLIMITED ACCESS” (online class never expires)

  • The JOY of Getting It DONE!

It’s easy to get started:

1. Click the “I‘m Ready To Get Started!” Button

2. Sign up for the Unlock The Boxes online class on the next page

3. Follow my clear, simple instructions to finish your first box of photos

Unlock The Boxes®


With Unlimited 24/7 Online Classroom Access!

Why Should You Trust Me?

My name is Linda Sattgast and since 2003 I’ve taught thousands of people just like you how to preserve their family history without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

It’s my passion and life’s work to empower the “Paper Photo Generation” to turn their boxes of photos and memorabilia into sharable family treasures before it’s too late.

I’ve been featured by

Linda Sattgast Social Proof

Here’s what my students are saying about Unlock The Boxes®

Real People. Real Results.

Think you have WAY too many photos to deal with?

Feel overwhelmed when you open a box of photos?

Wondering if this class will actually help you?

*All testimonials on this page are real quotes from real Unlock The Boxes students and used by permission.

Think you'll get to it later?

Consider the cost of not taking action now...

  • Are you ready for years of trial and error figuring it out on your own?

    It took me over 10 years to finally figure out how to implement the 7 Simple Steps I teach in Unlock The Boxes. But you can skip all that and take the fast track to finishing your boxes.

  • What is your time worth?

    Is it worth “going it alone” and wasting hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars of your time?

  • Have your boxes left you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and stuck?

    Ask yourself this question: Are you going to feel LESS overwhelmed or frustrated down the road by tackling this on your own?

  • Have you thought about the real cost of never getting it done?

    Your kids and grandkids know far less about their ancestors than you do. And they don't want those boxes the way they are now...

  • What will inaction today mean for future generations?

    What you do today will affect what your descendants 100 years from now will know about their family heritage.

Of Course—You Could Always Hire a

Professional Photo Manager

to help you with your boxes of photos...


  • Are you ready to pay a professional photo manager an average of $100/hour?

  • PLUS, did you know you’ll still need to work WITH them?

Because YOU’RE the one who knows the family history!

But the truth is...

You can do a faster and better job yourself

(and save A LOT of cash)

by simply following

My 7 Simple Steps!

Here’s what Amy said after taking my class:


I promise that you CAN do this.

But the best part don’t even have to believe me!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with a course you’ve purchased from me I’ll give you a full refund. Period.

That means you can enroll today 100% RISK-FREE, use the training and shortcuts offered in the Unlock The Boxes® course and then...make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t have.

Unlock The Boxes®


With Unlimited 24/7 Access!

What will happen if you procrastinate?

  • Let’s be honest. Someday it will be too late...

  • What you know that gives the family photos meaning will evaporate...

  • Your family photos will be handed down as a mess that’s even more overwhelming to your descendants...

  • Your photos will be at greater and greater risk of simply ending up in the landfill...

  • And future generations will miss out on the rich history you could give them.

But it doesn’t HAVE to be like this...

You can take the important step to save your family history and you can do it risk-free today!

Don’t let this moment slip through your fingers

It’s easy to get started:

1. Click the “I‘m Ready To Get Started” Button

2. Sign up for the Unlock The Boxes online class on the next page

3. Follow my clear, simple instructions to finish your first box of photos

Unlock The Boxes®


With Unlimited 24/7 Access!

Still Have Questions? We Have Answers!

How are your classes delivered?

We use a private, secure online classroom. Once you sign up you’ll get a welcome email with instructions on how to access your student account.

All classes are available 24/7 and never expire, so they will be there whenever you are ready!

Note: The classroom works best on a desktop or laptop computer rather than a mobile device.

What if I’m busy right now and this isn’t the best time to start a class?

Not a problem! The lessons are prerecorded so you’ll have access to them any time of day or night in any time zone. That means you can start right away or wait until later because your class membership never expires so it’ll be there when you’re ready for it!

Will you be shipping a physical Ancestor Box to me with this class?

Unlock The Boxes is an online class and we do not ship you a physical Ancestor Box or any other physical products. The Unlock The Boxes class will show you how to find or make an appropriate Ancestor Box for your situation with guidance on how to make sure it's archival quality that will last for generations.

What if I purchase your course and find it isn’t for me?

We offer a no-questions-asked guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied with our courses we will give you a full refund. That means you can enroll today and explore the training and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t have.

I am hearing-impaired. Do your class videos include closed captions?

Yes! Class videos include closed captions and a downloadable PDF transcript.

Unlock The Boxes®


With Unlimited 24/7 Access!

Unlock The Boxes is an online course, not a physical product.

Courses are available 24/7 in our online classroom.

Does not include a physical Ancestor Box. We will show you how to find or make one that's exactly right for YOU.

Testimonials on this page are real quotes from real Unlock The Boxes students and used by permission.

All Prices are in US Dollars.

Unlock The Boxes is a registered trademark of Scrapper's Guide LLC

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